From Casablanca with love ♡ 

Inner Gardens




Othmane Bnou Affane Shelter, Casablanca


Working with the Othman Bnou Affane Shelter in Casablanca, this workshop came in response to a collective garden project that the center envisions to build for its residents.

Using various plant materials collected on site, we invited the residents to explore the possibilities of making photographic prints through organic photochemical processes. The experiments resulted in a series of prints and a collective film on 16mm which translate visual impressions of the participant’s own imaginary gardens.

This project was delivered in partnership with the community organisation  Addel Al Waref and supported by the Drosos Foundation and the ‘Racines Carrées’ program organized by Racines AISBL

From Casablanca with love ♡ From Casablanca with love ♡